Kavita Gifford

When inward tenderness finds that hidden secret hurt, pain itself will crack the rock and Ah! Let the soul emerge.


Jack Kornfield in the “Inner Art of Meditation” retells an African fable of the “soul’s song”. In this fable a mother sits under a tree until she is delivered the “soul’s song” for her unborn child. She teaches this song to her family and her community, and it is sung as the child enters the world. As the child grows, their “soul’s song” is sung to them when they get hurt, when they are challenged, when they do something wonderful, and when they are celebrated. Singing a “soul’s song” honours the profound unique magnificence of a person’s core essence, and if at any time he/she/they loses their way, causing harm to themselves or another, the community surrounds them to sing their “soul’s song” reminding them of the truth of who they really are. At the end when lying on their death bed, their “soul’s song” is sung to them one last time. 

Our radiant soul energy is ever present, through the busy rush of every day life, through the imbalances, through all the pain and sorrow. Your whole body system is designed for you to express and live your beautiful soul life. Helping others to remember their “soul’s song” and celebrate the glory of the soul is at the heart of Kavita’s work. She is deeply called to help inspire the fullness and radiance of anyone she has the honour of working with, for it is here in the soul’s essence where the template for health lies in every individual. In order to do this work she commits to:

  • To compassionately hold the space for transformation and transmutation
  • To be a mirror that reflects magnificence back at itself
  • To bring the best of her skills and knowledge to help call fullness and radiance back into being
  • To do her own self-care and shadow work, so that she too can be in her fullness and radiance


Spiritual care, soul journeying or energy work

These sessions are a co-creative process where you will work closely with Kavita to help you:

  • Remember that you are your own medicine
  • Bring balance back to imbalanced energies
  • Regulate your nervous system and improve vagal tone
  • Learn from challenging emotions
  • Activate your template for health
  • Identify and transmute limiting beliefs and habits
  • Discover your soul essence, path and purpose
  • Connect to your wild wisdom and untamed spirit
  • Learn practices to help you live a healthy, joyous, harmonious and empowered life.

Kavita will work intuitively through the session drawing upon a number of modalities in which she has been trained including energy medicine, shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, psychotherapy, ecology, sound therapy and light language. The session runs for a maximum of 2hrs. Please do not consume any alcohol or other mind-altering substances within 24hrs of the session.

Kavita invites you to contemplate and respond to the booking questions with as much authenticity and transparency as you are able to offer at this time. These questions aim to serve as a reflection guide to prepare you for the session. They also assist Kavita to get to know you 😊. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing this information you are not obliged to answer any of the questions.

Please ensure that you have a strong internet connection, and are in a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed. The meeting will be online via ZOOM video conference. Kavita often receives guidance and insight after the session is completed. She will send all additional channelled information to you via email.

Kavita has a no refund policy. You are, however, able to re-schedule if needed due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. Alternative booking times, other than the ones scheduled, may be requested.

Soul message, image and verse creation

During a session Kavita will often receive an image and words offered from the client’s soul, something akin to your “soul’s song”. These images and words convey the essence of the clients unique and beautiful soul expression, or convey a message about the soul’s path or purpose.

Kavita is able to use AI to recreate the image she sees for clients upon request. She also uses the image, words and other intuitive information she receives during the session to create a series of verses to serve as a reminder of the client’s core essence, their challenges and what they might be called to manifest in this life.

She will create several images that attempt to replicate the imagery and feeling tone of her vision and will send those as low-resolution files. Once an image or images with resonance have been selected, Kavita will upscale the images to make them suitable for printing. Verse and images will be sent as digital files only, though Kavita can organise printing on fine art paper if requested. The fee does not include printing or shipping costs.

It is a beautiful and sacred process, but creation takes time. So please allow up to a week to receive your commissioned items. Due to the nature of these sacred items Kavita has a no refund policy.

For an additional fee Kavita can prepare supplementary documentation related to your soul and elemental rhythms. This information can provide insight into your natural gifts to lean your expansion into, but also identify your gifts of challenge that will require your special attention as you traverse your soul’s path. Kavita can also provide guidance on how to nourish and support yourself to help you come into alignment with your soul’s purpose. Please contact her if you are interested in this option.

*Note this “booking” is for the creation of digital images and text alone and does not include the cost of printing or shipping. This booking does not include a consultation. A separate spiritual care, soul journeying or energy work consultation will be required prior to the creation of texts and images or supplementary documentation.


Kavita holds a Bsc (1st Class Hons) in Biology (with minor subjects in Psychology) and PhD in Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

She has had the great fortune to train in the Nyingma and Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism for more than 25 yrs, and has trained with a number of great teachers over the years including Sogyal Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dr. Reginald Ray and Carline Pfohl. She regularly participates in solo and group retreats, and has recently started holding embodied meditation sessions for the public. For the last five years she has also begun training with Thomas Hübl and is particularly inspired by his work on collective trauma.

Kavita has completed extensive energy medicine training with Prune Harris and other students of Donna Eden, and receives ongoing mentorship from Patrice Krysztofiak. She is in the final stages of completing her Kinesiopractic-Level 1 training with ICPKP.

Kavita completed counselling training with Lifeline Australia in the early 2000’s and since then has continued her training in psychotherapy – Internal Family Systems (Frank Anderson and Dick Schwartz), Focusing (Eugene Gendlin, David Rome, Anne Weiser Cornell and Jan Winhall), and Somatic Therapy (Dr. Areille Schwartz, Abi Blakslee, Peter Levine and Dr Aimie Apigian).

Her shamanic studies are mainly sourced from direct revelation and inspired by the works and guidance of Sandra Ingerman.

Kavita Gifford is not a healthcare professional. All the advice you will receive is considered a “spiritual consultation”. Always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner for all your health concerns.

Book with Kavita

If you’d like to book a session with Kavita, please visit her calendar page via this link : https://tidycal.com/kavitagifford . It will open a new window where you will be able to find all her sessions types.

Contact Kavita

Kavita Gifford

9 thoughts on “Kavita Gifford

  1. Tatiana Slezak says:

    I love Kavita’s work. Her gentle and caring approach is amazing, and she can truly see into your soul and bring out the best in you. Thank you for the session!

    • Kavita says:

      Thank you Tatiana. What a beautiful soul essence image came forth for you. Wow! Indeed you are imbued with a power that is so unique. Your image was such a joy to create ❤️

  2. Kurt says:

    Kavita is a beautiful energy that emanates love and calmness. Her ability to connect and bring such powerful messages from the soul level is amazing. Her message is transformed with her images and poems that reach you on a deep level. Each time I look at the image or read the poem I receive a feeling of activation and bliss! Thank you Kavita for assisting on my journey.

    • Kavita says:

      Thank you Kurt. You are such a joyous, wise and beautiful soul. Thank you letting me enter into your field and experience you in such an amazing way ❤️

  3. Natasha Hovey says:

    Kavita creates a safe space for healing with her warm, playful and loving energy. The image she designed for me was deeply activating and continues to bring me to tears each time I look at it. The verse she created was profoundly beautiful and felt like a remembrance of who “I” truly am. I look at the image and read my soul message every time I want to feel connected to my true essence. Such a gift! Thank you Kavita!

    • Kavita says:

      Natasha I am so heartened to hear that your soul message, image and verse have continued to serve as a reminder of your inherent beauty and truth. Thank you for letting me witness you. It truly was an honour ❤️

  4. Natalie says:

    Kavita brings a beautiful calm and nurturing presence and energy to healing sessions. She has an amazing ability to pinpoint what the issue is and help to release it. Kavita also has a special gift with her poems and AI images – the one she made me spoke to my soul and moved me in a way I cannot put into words. Thank you so much for your help, guidance and assistance with healing Kavita 💓.

    • Kavita says:

      I feel blessed to have been a part of your path of discovery and evolution Natalie. It was both a beautiful and humbling experience to create your soul image and verses.
      Much love and blessings to you ❤️

    • Kavita says:

      Beautiful Natalie I knew when I received this image of you in the middle of the night that I had to re-create it and send it to you. May it and the poem I created for you continue to remind you of your truth ❤️

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